Monday, March 31, 2008

Winding Down

So I'm going to leave the wiki ON over spring break, and I'll do the final eval/questionairre the week after (two weeks from today). I want to see if the kids spend any time working on it over the break.

The wiki will continue until school ends, but for my purposes here in the MAET course, I'm done the 15th of April.

It has been everything I'd hoped and so much more. At a glance I'd reckon that at least half of the students check their wikis DAILY and about 85 percent of them have done some remarkable things with them.

I hope y'all have gone on and checked 'em out!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

So this was bound to happen

Almost every wiki has a chatbox on their main page. I actually encourage students to create one because it's so immediate and it's there on the page. I just checked on the wikis tonight and I saw one student who was upset because someone left a mean message on their wikiciv. I saw the message and I posted a general notice to everyone to be respectful and helpful to everyone else. It took me a minute to figure out who it was, and I'll talk to the student when I see her again on Tuesday. I also made sure everyone knew just how easy it is for the offended party to find out who posted it (the chatbox has an option that allows the creator to check the name/ISP of anyone who deliciously diabolical!).

I told one and all that this is their only warning. I hope no one else decides to be immature and leave a "your page sux lol!!1!11!" message. If they do, they'll be banned from the wiki, receive a zero on the next assessment, and we all get to have a Corleone-style sitdown with me, the student, their parents, and our AP. These are honors kids so I really doubt I'll have a problem:)