Monday, January 28, 2008

It's ALMOST time

The new semester starts tomorrow (Tuesday). My classes are going to the computer room on Thursday and Friday to begin working with their wikis.

I spent this weekend weighing the pros and cons of using PBWiki and Sharepoint wiki and I even made a list...a physical list. Without further ado, I'm going with PBWIKI. Hooray!

It was the really boring and crummy layout of Sharepoint that tipped the scales.

I'm going to give them an online survey to fill out this week (using, funnily enough, the Sharepoint survey system). I'll be using questions I created in my TIP proposal last summer.

Speaking of my TIP, I found it but I can't figure out how to post it on this blog. So I'll just email it to y'all. I went back over it and I'm pretty much doing every single solitary thing on the TIP.

My principal is doing his Professional Growth Plan observation on Thursday, so that'll be fun and exciting! Now off to look at my group's TIPs.


Reece L said...


I noticed that you talked about the option of including media when using wikis and the fact that wikis provide students an opportunity to "do old things in new ways" which in your case includes different forms of writing. Both are great reasons for choosing wikis but it doesn't sound like there is a collaborative component to the assignments so I'm wondering why you chose wikis over something like blogs or even static pages hosted on the web. Also, are you hoping that someone other than yourself will read the work your students "publish" on the web??

Gaoming said...

You have a very thoughtful project proposal. And wiki looks like a very interesting topic. I am glad to see that you used six plus as one of your major assessment tools, which is a well-developed writing assessment. As for the assessment of the motivation, I am interested to see if students’ collaboration/interaction within the small group would affect their experience and therefore their motivation.