Wednesday, July 2, 2008

ET-IDP for Reece

Here is the 2 week IDP for Reece:
This is our current assessment. We need this in order to move on to both 2 and year goals
What are your strengths thus far?
--online publishing
--Web 2.0
What are some areas you are looking to improve
--presentation skills
--video editing

Attitude towards technology: open, positive, engaging, willing to embrace

Pedagogy/matters of curriculum instruction: use it to enrich curriculum and instruction. Never use technology just because it's there.

Practice: definitely use it to differentiate. Goal is to enrich experience. In other words, new ways of doing old things. Old things done old ways, old things done new ways. New things done old ways, new things done new ways. He prescribes to "old things done new ways, and new things done new ways."

The aforementioned is a summary of where we are at right now, 7.2.08.

Go-to person for Reece: network technician. He is Reece's team teacher, that if Reece has anything that stumps him, he can rely on him for help.
2 Week Goals:
In the next 2 weeks, Reece wants to

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

How we're gonna shoot!

Here's the schedule for our group (me, David L, Sahngyoon): film everything Tuesday. Edit Tuesday and Wednesday. Be in Leigh's good graces and turn in on Thursday.

That's our plan. We're going to do 10 Things you didn't know about Blogs and Wikis. We still have to hammer out that part. That's my choice. They wanna go with 10 Things You Didn't Know About Blogs and Wikis in Asia. That could also work except that my three points/parts don't really have to deal with Asia. I just teach there. I'm easy like Sunday morning here, folks, so I'll do whatever they like.

David L is going to come up with 3 things tonight. Sahngyoon is going to come up with 3, and I have my 3.

They are:
1) Wikis are great for getting the quiet, shy wallflower students active and engaged in topics and projects. Tuesday after school I'll film me in our classroom quiet and meek and not saying anything. Then I'll film me at my dorm hooting and hollerin' as I pound away at my keyboard. It's simple, it gets the message across. I will also Camtasia screenshot a bit of my kids' wikis (WITH NAMES LEFT OFF THIS TIME SINCE THIS MAY BE SENT TO PUBLIC PLACES) and we'll edit that in the end of this one. Total time for this one should be about 20 seconds.
2) Wikis help students improve upon their voice and organization skills. Closeup shot of me with my fountain pen scribbling as I say the voiceover. Then I'll say "in a carefully conducted Teacher Inquiry Project this past year, I measured my 74 students' Voice and Organization scores as a part of the 6+1 writing traits. Their scores went up an average of .67 in Voice and .39 in Organization. Wikis work well to improve writing!" as I say all of this, I'll throw up a couple screenshots from my TIP
3) Technology knows no borders. I teach at a Dept. of Defense School in Japan. We have students from China, Korea, Philippeans, Guam, Japan, all 50 states, Canada and Mexico. They are very adept at using technology!" We began using wikis on January 30th, 2008. By Feb. 1st, almost every group had their wikis up and running! Don't know what video/graphics I'll have here.

That's my part. That leaves us with 9 things. We'll have to figure out the 10th one tomorrow (Tuesday).